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Category: Publishing

  • Cayote Speaks to Me by Gina Hietpas

    Coyote Speaks to Me by Gina Hietpas So you want to know this place? Be up at dawn, when first light brushes the sky beyond the grove of madrones you call the seven sisters. Donโ€™t whine. Learn by exposing yourself to the dark and cold. I sleep in the blackberry tangle edging the hayfield, my…

  • We’re Taking Pre-Orders!

    That’s right, it’s officially time to pre-order your copy of our two newest poetry books: What Us Is by Kellie Richardson (Richardson’s debut poetry collection, newly re-published with BCP and sporting a swanky new cover design) Publication Date: March 1, 2020Price: $17.00Pre-order here What Us Isย offers readers a glimpse into the head space of one…

  • Author Interview: Kellie Richardson

    We can’t keep Kellie Richardson’s book cover under wraps any longer! It’s too good to keep to ourselves, and the story behind it โ€“ and behind Kellie’s creative work in collage โ€“ is worth sharing. So, let us introduce you to The Art of Naming My Pain, a collection of prose, poetry and collage by…

  • ยกCover Reveal! for Low Static Rage

    Yes, we did take a month off to recharge, but now we’re back with a vengeance, Tacoma, and we’re ready to reveal the cover art for Michael Haeflinger’s debut poetry collection, Low Static Rage. This stellar cover art is from a painting by Michael Bolsinga, a painter living in Portland, Oregon. It’s titled “Polar Vortex,”…

  • We Come up for Air

    Over the last few months, the folks behind Blue Cactus Press (including myself, the publisher, our authors, intern and new conspirators) have kept our heads down and our hands deep in the weeds of publishing work. Today we’re coming up for air, and we’ve got big news to share with you, our much-loved community. Read…

  • Writing with Gender-Inclusive Language

    If we truly care about creating a more equitable society in which a personโ€™s individuality is not reduced to their sex and/or gender, than our language should reflect that. Writing with Gender-Inclusive Language A brief guide to writing tactfully as our language evolves   By Carlisle Huntington

  • FREE Book for HONEST Review

    Blue Cactus Press is putting out an official “Call for Readers” for Samuel Snoek-Brown’s forthcoming short story collection,ย There Is No Other Way to Worship Them! We’re looking for 20 readers who’re not only eager to delve into the collection, but willing to exchange an HONEST review of the book for a FREE copy, too. If…

  • Let the Chapbook Series Begin!

    As some of you may already know, Blue Cactus Press is participating in next week’s 2018 Summer SOULstice event at the Tacoma Art Museum (curated and hosted by Tacoma poet laureate Kellie Richardson). SOULstice supports emerging and established artists from marginalized communities, and we’re beyond excited to present our work alongside other creatives who promote…

  • Blue Cactus Press Book Sale @ Cascadia Poetry Festival

    Blue Cactus Press Book Sale @ Cascadia Poetry Festival

    Everyone loves a good book fair, right? We’ll assume you enthusiastically shouted “right!” at your computer screen when you read that. And because we completely agree with you, Blue Cactus Press is taking part in the 2017 Cascadia Poetry Festival Small Press Fair, happening Oct. 14 at Washington State History Museum. Blue Cactus Press will…