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Papeachu Review Issue 2: Beauty

Papeachu Review is an annual anthology of prose, poetry, nonfiction, art, and comics, all created by female, nonbinary, and genderqueer artists.  In this issue, each of the 31 contributors submitted artwork, poems, short fiction, or a personal essay based on the theme of beauty and their interpretations of that theme.


More details

Papeachu Review Issue 2 is a 6.5 x 6.5in perfect-bound anthology with a black and white interior; 210 pages on 50lb white paper and an in-color cover with a matte finish.

About the Press

Papeachu (puh-peach-oo) is a feminist small press publishing the works of women, nonbinary, and genderqueer creators in order to elevate and venerate a community of work often left from mainstream publishing. Papeachu publishes the works they believe in, and believe in the people they publish. Their mission is to see more female, nonbinary, and genderqueer creations on bookstore shelves, in hands of young readers, and in the homes of everyone we both know and don’t. Currently, Peapeachu publishes chapbooks of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Papeachu also puts out a bi-annual print journal, Papeachu Review, showcasing individual works from various creators. Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, and comics can all be published in Papeachu Review.

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